The fair use exception allows you to use a reasonable portion of a copyrighted work without running afoul of copyright law. Unfortunately, there’s no bright line rule to determine how much is too much for fair use. Whether or not your use of a song or sound recording is a fair use depends on the circumstances and on a number of factors such as how much of the work you use and for what purposes you use it. In general, it’s easier to qualify the use of a song as a fair use than it is to qualify the use of a sound recording as a fair use. Using eight or four or even two bars does not guarantee that your use is a fair use. Taking only a few words or notes from a song or a sound recording has been found to be copyright infringement.
Sorce: http://www.legaljungleguide.com/resourc/musician/quizes/answers.htm
“I can use copyrighted music so long as it comes within the “8-bar” rule.” – MYTH
Some people think they can use a small portion of a copyrighted work without obtaining a license. They claim, “I can use X number of bars for free,” or, perhaps by extension, “I’m only using the melody, not the lyrics,” or, “I’m only using the hook.” This is not a privilege defined by copyright law, so you would have to defend your use in court.
Sorce: http://soundscapemusictherapy.com/2010/10/14/copyright-issues-for-music-therapists-part-three-infringement-fair-use-and-licensing/

我想,就算「這八個小節」的「底線」真的存在,其實應也只是建基於「公平使用fair use」原則,主要是用來寬待非商業作品的。同時,再強調(因為很多該偶像的粉絲還是不明白我之前寫的),沒有超過這個底線就不代表「作品沒有抄襲」,只要任何版權持有人質疑的,亦可以對相關作品作出指控,帶上法庭。最後裁決是落在法庭上的。
不少成功「指控抄襲」的案件,都不是「抄八個小節」的,尤其以sampling沒有問許標準的情況來說。像The Verve 的經典bittersweet symphony就是sample 了The Rolling Stones而沒有表明credit ,最後他們喪失了作品的credit。
而像The Beatles 的《Come Together 》亦被指抄襲Chuck Berry’s “You Can’t Catch Me”,最後他們庭外和解。John Lennon 承認抄襲了這首歌的一點。而這作品亦不是有什麼八小節的抄襲的,而是在走向相似。