Posted on December 5, 2008May 11, 2009 by DamonMy Cookies Can vs I’m Yours 雷頌德加衛蘭這個最佳拍檔,08年的最新大碟【Serving You】以為終於不再有「擺明車馬」抄襲的張揚,對不起,猜錯了,當以為《My Cookies Can》只是將歐美女歌手的輕快作品炒作一碟的時候,原來旋律似從美國的大熱唱作人Jason Mraz最新大碟【We Sing. We Dance. We Steal Things】的《I’m Yours》裏抽取一段再繼續發揮。 你又覺得雷頌德這次有沒有抄?還是只因為音樂其實只有幾個音符所以相似是情有可原? 收聽歌曲
but the song has a totally different feel/arrangement.. so i guess its not TOO bad.. compared to the copying stuff Mark Lui has done before
但我覺得兩首歌都幾唔同.. 而已抽取好聽既音又係唔係抄呢?
I can’t tell any similarity in between either…
Actually Janice did mention on the 903 mini show on 11/27 that they referenced this song….
they def referenced the melody of the verse
but the song has a totally different feel/arrangement.. so i guess its not TOO bad.. compared to the copying stuff Mark Lui has done before
原來 reference 左, 好 surprised,
香港好少歌會 reference 其它歌
都應該要ref, 事關隻i’m yours plug到通哂天, 一聽都知似啦。下次佢搵隻unplug既咪唔會ref囉。
情況有點像之前側田的「未輸」被懷疑抄Kevin Rudolf的「Let It Rock」