
壟斷了音樂下載市場的蘋果音樂Apple iTunes Store所提供的音樂格式一直只能在蘋果旗下的產品裏播放,然而,音樂下載模式相信很快會有一個新的世代。

繼2007年底華納音樂(Warner)宣佈與Amazon合作,在美國境內推出無版權保護Digital Rights Management (DRM) systems的MP3下載後,華納再度與7digital.com簽了合約,在歐洲境內將旗下部份樂手的音樂作無保護的MP3格式提供下載,地區包括英國、愛爾蘭、西班牙、法國與德國。




4 Replies to “華納在歐洲地區解除合法mp3的版權保護”

  1. Dear Damon,

    There are a few mistakes in your article. First of all, the store is named “Apple iTunes Store” officially. Secondly, iTunes Store don’t sell a single MP3 format music file at all, but AAC music format. Therefore, you can only say Apple dominated the music download service, not MP3 market. And you can always burn your AAC format music files to a disk and re-convert it to DRM free MP3 format.

    Above all, it’s not Apple’s intention to sell their music with DRM. It’s totally a decision made by the record labels. Apple have no rights to distribute DRM free music on their own. EMI is providing DRM free music for awhile already.

    All I want to say is it is a shame to all record labels who have different standards in different areas. They should all provide DRM free music format to all outlets and countries, not just UK, Ireland, Spain, France and Germany; or just 7digital.com and Amazon.com plus a few others.

  2. 因為我是台灣人

    ABBA的《Summer Night City》

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