陳奕迅《味之素》 vs The Bird and the Bee《diamond dave》


讀者Kimmy向我們報上陳奕迅《味之素》與美國Synthpop/dance二人樂團The Bird and the bee的《diamond dave》十分相似,筆者聽罷,《味之素》的編曲確實是有跡可尋。

由CY Kong編曲的《味之素》嘗試以電子/合成器的音樂融合不同節拍的舞曲,編成一個多重轉折的歌曲,野心甚大。其實synthensisers 玩音效本都是CY KONG一向的風格,而CY Kong的編曲亦一向都是大量向外國Dance/electronics音樂取經,音樂熟口熟面亦非稀奇事。可是這首確實在intro的旋律與音效選擇到轉折位的方法亦與《diamond dave》不謀而合。

抄襲或者是大罪名,這個案例如亦不及容祖兒的《桃色冒險》中王雙駿抄襲得離譜,但相信難以否認向《diamond dave》取經或是受了《diamond dave》很大影響。



作曲︰陳羽恆︱歌詞︰黃偉文︱編曲︰CY KONG︱監製︰Alvin Leong

The Bird and the Bee︱diamond dave︱2009


5 Replies to “陳奕迅《味之素》 vs The Bird and the Bee《diamond dave》”

  1. How come this blog has evolved into an obsession for posting “this copy that” so often? Please focus on discussing the music because that is what I love about this blog.

  2. 流行歌本来就是以歌寄情多点,太多技术上的讲究就没味道了。

  3. 其實都唔算”抄”… 只不過係編曲有d似…
    香港其實好少有歌嘅曲式/編曲似外國歌, eason敢做呢d歌 (雖然唔係全隻碟), 已經好值得鼓勵. 放過他吧 =)

  4. 嗯..其實我想睇樂評多於研究抄歌成份的文章, intro係好似, 但味之素係一首好歌亦無可否認啊~! 而且老實說, 無人會罷聽陳奕迅的..

  5. I love the bird and the bee, and the first time I heard Eason’s I immediately think about them. It’s just upsetting how so many HK ppl would say copying is perfectly fine as long as they’re bringing the ‘new styles’ into Hong Kong’s so called exisiting ‘music scene’.
    It’s OK to reference or inspire but how about making it your OWN style instead of just taking others’??If Hk admires foreign songs so much, how about PAYING and buying the copyrights instead of stealing.

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