容祖兒 逃 vs Sheena Easton Telefone


繼與陳奐仁合作《心花怒放》後,容祖兒再度與陳奐仁合作的最新廣東派台作《逃》又被網友指出是抄襲蘇格蘭女歌手Sheena Easton收錄於1983年【 Best Kept Secret】專輯裏的《Telefone (Long Distance Love Affair)》。

不久前容祖兒國語主打《在你的左右》MV被指抄襲Mandy Moore的MV,才稍一會兒,容祖兒已經將最新廣東歌曲《逃》派台,並再度成為百老匯廣告歌,在電視上頻頻播出。怎料這首日聽夜聽的作品原來又被指抄襲,你認為呢?







Sheena Easton︱Telefone (Long Distance Love Affair)︱1983

作曲︰ Mathieson, Veitch

14 Replies to “容祖兒 逃 vs Sheena Easton Telefone”

  1. 陳奐仁被指抄歌早有前科了,一點也不意外。反而不明白為何每次的主角也是容小姐。

  2. 其實佢只係cap左果2句係一樣音ja ma
    如果你地聽過Sheena Easton – Best Kept Secret – 01. Telefone (Long Distance Love)
    就會知道2首歌係唔同ga law……

  3. 我係 joey’s fan, 但真係有抄喎.

    副歌有D位明顯到 melody 同 beat 一樣不特止, 一樣都係第32秒出同一句, 唔知佢相點喎..

    同埋我相信 joey 會知首歌有抄.

  4. = =” 好老實講句..
    我聽完首歌.. 只係聽到一句好似咋喎-_-”
    ” 我都已經豁出去 ” 。 無奈. 吾知係咪我隻耳有問題喇..
    不過講真,, 你有時聽番d 0ld歌,, 同新歌比較.. 都有少少似架喇~有幾多個音呀.
    至於love at first sight ” -_-” 呢個好似真係似d~ 但係好正常地..你聽落去,,英文歌同中文歌緊係有差別-口-” 但係咁樣聽落去比較之後呢..
    同埋.. 有幾次都話容祖兒抄人.. d人心目中就有個記憶..
    有相同既地方, d人一定話抄架喇._.”.. 吾好話d人”心理作用”?!

  5. HK Fans of JOEY’s will not comment objectively, so we can disregard the above comment.

    If we are talking about MUSIC and plagiarism, then yes, the chorus is plagiarised.

    If you’ve gone to university, then you’ll know it’s not a matter of HOW MANY/MUCH is considered copying. Especially we’re talking about the CHORUS here. Kylie’s song was published in 2002; it’s still later than 1983 of Sheena Easton’s. The skeptical part is also in the first line of chorus, but the whole idea wasn’t taken if you hear the whole song. Joey’s song’s idea was simply copied. I just don’t know how much Hanjin knows about Sheena Easton’s song, I mean it’s 1983. If he hears music that long ago, then we should still give him credit for effort.

    Unlike some of Mark Lui’s productions…they’re simply unacceptable.

  6. 我不明點解要話抄Sheena Easton “Telefone”
    好明顯, 得副歌第一句相似!!

    如果都話抄, 咁大把歌都係抄.

    加上一首歌唔止得一句, 仲有好多句, 反而應該focus喺作曲人和作詞人的努力, 並歌曲的內容!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    所以, 無抄Telefone / love at first sight!!

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